What is Augmented Reality?

For presentations, Augmented Reality technology renders display optical projection systems, allowing content to be presented three dimensionally through a screen. The viewer can see what is typically a conventional display, floating in front of them.

Augmentation is in real time – for example, weather visualization display full motion video of imaged captured in real-time from numerous imaging devices. Augmentation’s technology created animated visualizations, projecting 3D graphics and virtual geo space models.

For example, through tracked camera feeds, sports and entertainment venues can be provided with see-through and overlay augmentation, providing for an enhanced viewing.

AR in the UK

Source: http://static.guim.co.uk

With AR, users can explore a world of possibilities. Watch videos play on top of newspaper articles, watch as food packaging comes alive and provides links to recipes, instantly purchase from magazines by scanning the desired item, experience simulations of historical events, and much more.

While AR is breaking boundaries, the technology still has some challenges to overcome. For instance, GPS is only accurate within 30 feet, and it is spotty indoors. Additionally, there are privacy issues, as well as concerns about people relying too much on AR and their devices for information, and losing face time with people.

However, AR is boundless with possibilities, especially in terms of construction, medicine, development, archeology, and use in the military and combat. AR can save industries millions of dollars by cutting out materials alone. In fact, according to Reality Premedia, who currently develop AR technology, AR revenues are expected to cross $600 billion by 2016. While AR is still in its infancy, it is strongly positioned to alter the way people and objects interact with one another.


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