Category: Blog

  • IGTV and How You Can Use it to Your Advantage

    June 26, 2018
    Last Wednesday, Instagram introduced a new feature, Instagram TV (IGTV). The new addition to the popular social media platform, also…
  • Time Management Techniques

    June 19, 2018
    June 21st marks the summer solstice, alerting that summer is officially upon us. It also means we will be experiencing…
  • Keep up the Pattern: A Guide to Brand Consistency

    June 7, 2018
    Every company houses a specific brand, but not all brands are created equal. One reason that some companies thrive over…
  • The Ultimate Guide to Selecting Social Images

    May 31, 2018
    We live in a very visual world. Social Media Today sited speaker Allen Klein, who stated that “80% of what…
  • What is AI?

    May 21, 2018
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a buzzword nowadays; but what exactly is AI and how are industries currently using it? The…
  • Case Study: ReturnRunners & ConceptDrop

    May 17, 2018
    “[ConceptDrop] allows me to offload tasks that fall outside of my area of expertise, so I can focus on other…
  • Spring Cleaning: Logo Edition

    May 15, 2018
    When companies are slow to update their brands (i.e. in the form of logos, graphics, websites, posters, apps, etc.), it…
  • 4 Reasons to Outsource Design

    May 10, 2018
    When it comes to certain projects, do you hire in-house employees or do you seek out external experts to complete…
  • May the 4th Be With You

    May 3, 2018
    Star Wars nerds unite and May the fourth be with you! Over the last decade, companies of all kinds (and…
  • National Small Business Week

    April 26, 2018
    It’s National Small Business Week! At ConceptDrop, we enjoy collaborating with companies of all sizes, across a variety of industries,…