Fastest Way of Catching Up Post-Thanksgiving

The turkey has been eaten. The football has been watched. How on earth will we catch up in our post-stuffing stupor?

If you’re like us, you may be a bit anxious this week going through hundreds of unread emails, completing project deadlines, and balancing your social/family life along with it. Where do you even start?

First of all, productivity is a way of thinking, a mindset. Get rid of negative thoughts about not being able to have time to get things done or not feeling excited about being back at work. No one is. Rather, shift your thinking to one of efficiency and try avoiding distractions. You will be able to accomplish tasks by ridding yourself of negativity that can bog you down.

According to Refinery29, getting stuck in a stress-spiral isn’t uncommon after a holiday. In fact, this site claims that even “relaxation-based anxiety” can occur during vacation periods or holidays. So, it’s possible that you may not have been able to relax during the short time off work. One way to help lighten your load is mindfulness. Stressing about time and time-management will take away time from actually getting work done. For more time-management tips, you can check out our blogpost “6 Tips for Managing Your Time.”

There are other ways to combat post-Thanksgiving stress and anxiety. Thinking back to last year and your anxieties at that point may be one retrospective way to put you in a good, positive headspace. You got through it last year and you can do it again. Forbes also suggests that you set aside free time (we know, that concept sounds impossible at this point) to delegate tasks for yourself, set a timeline, and assign tasks that you and your coworkers can achieve. Forbes writer, Raquel Baldelomar, encourages the idea to put aside a few minutes to talk to your coworkers in order to highlight goals: “Rather than reading every email to figure out what priorities you should focus on, you will already know what needs your attention [by talking to a coworker] and can address those issues right away.”

Also, learn to prioritize. One way that we get caught up in a post-vacation frenzy is trying to do everything at once. This rarely works, trust us. Think of your mother preparing Thanksgiving dinner. She probably isn’t mixing ingredients for the pumpkin pie at the same time she is roasting the brussels sprouts. Rather, she can put the brussels sprouts in the oven, get the pie ready, and then bake it when the brussels sprouts are done. Think of your work tasks this week like a Thanksgiving meal.

If you’re still having issues getting your projects done, ConceptDrop is here to help. We provide graphic design you’ll love in as little as 24 hours by matching you with a professional, freelance designer and can take away a pesky task so that you can focus your attention on other marketing needs.  

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