Freelancer Spotlight: Coree C.

Coree C. was always involved in artistic activities from drawing to painting as a child and has now been a designer for nearly 20 years, “There is something very freeing about being able to change things around multiple times in a single design, you don’t get that with fine art…I was thrilled that I could make a career out of art by way of a computer.

As a freelancer, she loves the flexibility of hours and being able to choose projects she’s truly interested in rather than just being assigned a client. “I get to work on jobs that give me a sense of creative fulfillment. That is one of the things I love the most.” Coree has now had her own business for over nine years and it has been “the best move she has ever made professionally.” She has worked on several projects with a variety of clients, the most well known being PepsiCo and American Express.

When coming across ConceptDrop through our website she found the idea of design on demand intriguing and decided to give it try. “It’s not the ridiculously low completing platform design on demand stuff that I have seen on other sites. I also like that ConceptDrop allows your designers to have direct contact with your clients, it shows a sense of trust and maturity as a company right off the bat.” Coree’s five-star projects are some of ConceptDrop’s most highly reviewed. Bolgert Mediation, a ConceptDrop client, for instance, shared “Coree was outstanding. Product was beyond my expectations” in response to a brochure she helped create. Cyber adAPT, another ConceptDrop client, said that Coree was a “Fantastic designer- so great to work with!”

So far, Coree’s favorite project done through the platform has been a powerpoint design for National Urban League’s Manpower Talent Sourcing. “The client gave me total creative freedom and in the end, we had a clean, modern, concise design solution.” To find inspiration for her designs, Coree looks absolutely everywhere. “ Furniture designs, in nature, in other artwork, in food… If you are aware of your surroundings, there are beautiful things everywhere!”

Her advice to other freelancers is to be sure to nurture the relationships they have with his or her clients. This will ensure a happy work environment in addition to potential future clients. “One happy client will tell five people, but one unhappy client will tell 10.”

Below is one of our favorite five-star projects created by Coree.


Click here to see more of Coree’s work.

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