Freelancer Spotlight: Laura L.

Laura L.’s first experience with design was through her father, a web developer back in 2000. During the summer after her sixth grade school year, Laura’s dad gave her the task of learning HTML within 24 hours. This lead to the creation of a website she updated regularly as a young teenager. “I was constantly thinking up of new and better layout designs for it. Through that experience, I became fascinated with building beautiful and intuitive websites.” Laura began taking on design internships every summer until her first semester of college and has now been designing professionally for eight years.

Before ConceptDrop, Laura has worked with clients such as Greenpeace, USAID, Grafik, Eighty2degrees, and a few boutique organizations. “My focus since graduating university has been on ‘social design’ or in other words, finding ways to leverage design to create and enable positive social change.” Because of this, Laura found herself seeking out work with nonprofits, social enterprises, NGOs, and design agencies that share the same values.

ConceptDrop is an organization she believes aligned with her values. In addition, our platform eliminated the part of freelancing she didn’t particularly care for- admin and new business development. “It often takes time away from what I love doing, which is to design. Working with ConceptDrop means I can spend my time doing just that while they take care of the admin and client relations.” Laura also shares that the pay is fair and the people and clients are always a pleasure to work with.

While working with ConceptDrop, her favorite projects thus far have been with repeat clients. “As I get to know a client and their style, I find the relational aspect to affect the design and the success of the final product. ”Laura explains that she thinks it’s satisfying when both the designer and client feel heard and understood, which is then reflected within the design.

Clients such as Fonteva have raved about Laura’s quality work. “Laura is one of the best designers we’ve had… She is quick, understands our brand, and really hits the mark.” ConceptDrop client, Shoppers’ View, were also extremely satisfied when working with Laura. “Great designer. She was quick to respond and was very patient with me.”

Laura’s favorite part of freelancing is the ability to work from anywhere in the world and the flexibility of creating her own schedule. “Just last month I’ve left Canada to travel for a year. The plan is to work while traveling and I love that being a freelancer allows me to do that.”

Laura’s greatest piece of advice for other freelancers is to take on projects that they think are intimidating. “I find those projects are the ones that help you grow the most. Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable or to struggle with the process.” Laura stresses not to take on projects that aren’t the right fit but to seize those opportunities that really push yourself.

Check out some of Laura’s quality five-star designs below:

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