Freelancer Spotlight: Mireia C.

Mireia Carre

Meet Mireia C., one of ConceptDrop’s creative freelancers. Mireia has been a graphic designer for more than eight years with an interest in art and design starting at a young age.

“I got my first freelance gig when I was 16 years old, it wasn’t very well paid, but it felt like a great step forward.” Mireia learned a significant amount from her first experiences and has only grown to love her work even more. As a freelancer, she loves the flexibility of working wherever and whenever she wants.  Mireia enjoys having the freedom to travel, only needing her laptop and internet connection to bring a client’s vision to life, a treasure not many get to experience in a typical 9-5 job.

“Being able to work in a remote coffee shop in a small town from southern Spain is one of the things I appreciate most.”

When it comes to design, Mireia looks to a variety of places for inspiration. Not only does she use platforms such as Dribbble and Instagram to spark interesting ideas, but she also finds her creativity influenced by everyday items. “I find myself more getting more inspiration if I just go for a walk and analyze good design details in local stores: the matching colors and patterns on walls, that nice typeface on the entrance, how amazingly legible is the poster from a distance…” Mireia stresses that she attempts to absorb everything she can and then apply what she sees into her own designs with her own influence.

Mireia has worked with companies such as HP, Eventcorp Services, FullStack Digital, Usablenet, and Archilogic before discovering ConceptDrop. When looking for her next freelancer opportunity, she wanted to utilize more of her hours designing and less managing the business side. Thus, Mireia knew she had found the right fit when finding ConceptDrop.  

“Invoicing and making sure to get paid on time takes a big amount of unpaid hours and effort. ConceptDrop helped me achieve what I’ve always wanted: Just work on delivering a great design but with the flexibility of a freelancer.”

While working with ConceptDrop, Mireia has helped create a variety of design projects for numerous clients. Her favorite work has been with DataTorrent, Blackbaud, and Genpact due to their high standards and priority to improve every detail. “I love pushing myself forward and take every project as an opportunity to learn more and grow as a designer. It was a fantastic experience.”

Despite this challenge, Mireia always produces high-quality results. Not only do clients love her friendliness and creativity, but they also appreciate her attentiveness to tight deadlines. Blackbaud, one the corporations characterized as having high standards and very detail oriented, describes their five-star experience with Mireia as: “ Working with Mireia is awesome! She was SUPER fast and very attentive.” Other organizations like CME Group recount their work with her as “very quick, professional, and applied our brand guidelines accurately.”

Mireia’s tips to any other aspiring freelancers are to treat the design services you offer as a business. She suggests that others involved in outsourcing should learn more about management, marketing, sales, and accounting as having some knowledge in these areas can assist in future accounts. Lastly, don’t undervalue yourself.

Below are some of Mireia’s five-star designs created for ConcpetDrop clients. 


Get to know Mireia, follow her on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.

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