Infographics: Informative or a Waste of Time?

In a world where sharing information is a key way to promote yourself/your business, infographics take the cake as one of the most effective ways to communicate knowledge. But why? We decided to investigate the trend of infographics, assess their pros and cons, and tell you why they have become an exemplary method of modern advertising.  

For one thing, we live in a very visual world. This is due in part to the soaring rise in popularity of social media platforms and technology. We often look at screens (in our professional and personal lives) and our eyes are more likely drawn to images over paragraphs. Looking at images is undoubtedly easier than reading a text and ingesting that information.

According to a blog post from HubSpot, “93% of all human communication is nonverbal.” Additionally, they claim that we remember what we see much more easily over reading or hearing information. For this reason, infographics are “30 times more likely to be read than a text article” and the data is structured in a way that is easily digestible. Obviously, from a marketer’s perspective, a skillfully-crafted infographic makes sense to use nowadays to showcase a company’s benefits, campaign, or to share information in general. People these days have short attention spans and little patience when it comes to looking at ads, information, or brands. An infographic is an attractive, efficient way to share something quickly.

Search Engine Journal claims that infographics are not only eye-catching, but they also can enhance a company’s SEO. They say, “A well-designed and aesthetically pleasing infographic will drive people to your site since they are more likely to ‘share’ and ‘click’ on it. Infographics are also more likely to get links from other sites when people share your infographic.” When you think about it, of course, more sharing would mean more SEO accuracy and outreach.

On the other hand, there is no perfect way to advertise because with pros, some cons. A downside of infographic use for a company’s marketing team is that it can be time-consuming for a designer to create a “good” infographic. Additionally, infographics thrive on brevity; however, if that’s all a consumer grasps onto, they may feel like they only understand a brief fraction of whatever they are reading. Infographics often present statistics, but may not state where that information is from. Like anything on the internet, it is important to always question where a company is gathering their information.

Overall, infographics are an attractive, modern trend in the advertising scene. But like all forms of advertising and marketing, it’s important to gauge what is appropriate for each audience. There may be times when an infographic is not the best method to present information. Other times, an infographic may be a good go-to mode for creating gripping and dynamic advertising.  

You can see some of our favorite infographics here and some of our favorite ConceptDrop designed infographics here.


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